This is a sticky point in dating for most men. They don’t know what to do to get gals back in a conversation if a gal leaves them on the read. This is a problem for young men or rather inexperienced men in dating, a gal leaving you on the read won’t even scare a man with decent dating skills.
First of all, I have read a lot of literature on this and have had conversations with a good number of women and men starting dating, men in the middle level of skills with dating, and men very advanced in dating. One key thing with a gal not replying to your texts is that it is not something that you should even notice.
If you are seated by your phone waiting for a text reply from a strange gal you met a week or a month ago who barely knows you, you might be dating wrong. Your life needs to be filled with activities that keep you busy. A man or a woman with things going on in their lives sends a text and forgets about it, they move on with their lives, and a reply will come or might not come. If they don’t get a reply, it might go unnoticed or they will notice many hours later.
People, especially with high demands on their time are not seated by their phones waiting for your chats. People have things to do so don’t be needy.
Text With Intent or a Purpose.
What are you texting for? What’s your goal for sending out that text or engaging in that conversation thread? Most men are just texting endlessly with no goal as if they don’t have anything else to do with their time. Don’t be that man.
Text to meet up. Nothing else. Don’t turn into her texting buddy.
You can chat a little with a gal but most importantly be aiming for a hangout. If she wants to talk to you, let her come out.
Gals like talking about nonsense and if you show them you have all the time in the world to be chatting back and forth, she will slot you into her text buddies group.
If a gal is far away, in a different country or city, then maybe you can be having long text conversations from time to time, sparingly. I would even suggest jumping on a video call with her if she is far away, that’s better than chatting.
How to Handle Non-responsive Texters
Just wait. Nothing else you can do to salvage the situation than just chill and focus on something else. Go hiking, go to the gym, watch a movie or talk to other gals around you instead of waiting for a text reply.

She is also doing other things that are keeping her busy or she saw your text and got side-tracked by other things. Maybe she is in a different state, she might be feeling too low to reply to a text right now so give the poor gal some space and let her get back to you when she feels like it.
It is not an emergency, right? It is one thing if you are to meet up at a certain location, and you had agreed an hour earlier that you would be there and you get there and she isn’t replying. In that case, just call her and tell her you are at the location. However, if you are just having the normal text chats and she leaves you on read, just wait.
She might reach out 3 hours later, 1 week later, or even a month later.
This is true especially if she hasn’t opened your message, she might be held up or on some shit you are not aware of. Don’t take it personally that she hasn’t replied to your messages.
If your text messages are not always getting replies, try sending a video message. It is more personable. If you are photogenic and you have a good camera phone, just record a one-minute video and send it. You will come across differently.
If you don’t like videos, then learn how to text, you might be sending weird messages and getting ignored. Since I am not talking about texting in the context of dating, you might want to make a great impression in person before number closing. If she likes you in person, she will reply to your texts, in fact, she will be the one texting and pushing for a meet-up.
Another option is to try calls if you are a bad texter.
What not to do if you don’t get a text reply?
Don’t send another text on top of that, it is needy. Don’t double-text.
Don’t call her if she hasn’t replied in 2 hours or even 3 hours.
Give the gal a breathing space for God’s sake. Women have hordes of men texting and being pushy. So don’t be one of such guys. You want to be different.
Don’t’ turn accusatory or call her out for not replying. It is creepy.
Don’t whine and complain or start arguing over texts. It is a bad formula for texting.
Don’t be a simp. Be cool and just move on to doing other things. You can follow up 48 hours later or even 4 days later.
This is a scarcity problem. Some people won’t even bother if you don’t reply to their texts or even flake on them. They have other things going on and people in their lives they can focus on. Others turn wimpy and pathetic and needy at the slightest sign of being ignored.
As I said earlier, you don’t know what is going on with her, maybe her pet died, maybe she is a slow texter, or maybe her family member is sick. It is not always what you think so don’t panic.
Iron your Texting Game
Check out the links I have shared above and your texts will never suck again. They are proper guides on texting. I hate texting because it is distracting and slow, I learned to text and I tend to text on autopilot nowadays because it is second nature at this point. Texting might be something you don’t think you need to learn but with the current communication channels, it is a big part of dating, people rarely call.
What if she only sends an emoji or a meme as a reply? Lol, send an emoji back or leave it at that. Always let her have the last word in a text chat…or the last emoji in this case.
All the best with your game!