Kissed and Told

When a man get laid he goes shouting on top of the mountain, he feels like he has just mounted the world….lol. This is true especially if he is not used to getting some from time to time. A man walks from a lay bouncing like he just killed a lion or he just broke… Continue reading Kissed and Told

Are you Jealous?

Me? naah baby…I ain’t…he answered. And you? will you feel bad if I ask for a threesome? he followed with a question. That caught her off guard. She isn’t used to guys being that forward with her. Most of the dudes hitting on her are boring or rather safe as she tells her friends when… Continue reading Are you Jealous?

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“Men and their big egos mmmhhh” You’ll hear ladies say the above. I have a big ego (pointing at my pants). If you are referring to that ego then every man has a big ego. Who has a small one?? Seriously though; jobs, relationships, businesses, opportunities etc. have been lost by us men due to… Continue reading EGO

Football Wives of Nairobi

Y’all ladies are married to the game right now! Don’t even think you are married to a man during this world cup season. Please don’t…you will be living in denial. Do you know how some men are obssessed with football? It is unimaginable. Football is like a religion to some niggas, as other men dream… Continue reading Football Wives of Nairobi

He’s out of Your League

All men are handsome…trust me. BUT Some men are legitimately handsome and just out your league my lady. These are the guys you call MCM on social media and such. What were you told when you were a young girl? That you are a beautiful woman and you can get anything you want out of… Continue reading He’s out of Your League

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How faaaaaarrrrr? lol I will start by saying every girl is almost a lesbian. For real…okay let me rephrase that and say every chic has some percentage of lesbianism in them. They kiss each other, hug each other tightly. Touch each others hair. Go to the washrooms together. They call their friends girlfriends etc. And… Continue reading Bromance

She’s out of Your League

Really? Which girl is that?? That is what confident guys are already thinking…like they can’t just wait to step up. Maybe? Some girls are… That’s what unambitious and unmotivated guys are thinking…after all they never challenge themselves. I was watching a movie with my boys during college days. Damn, I had lots of fun in… Continue reading She’s out of Your League

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Because I am young and I’m black… Black on black….means the epitome of style All black everything… The black man ain’t dying in this movie… That is so black…so hood Go black no going back Black don’t crack… I can go on and on about all the monikers that black people use to describe their… Continue reading Melanin

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