6 Ways Porn is Distorting your Sexuality as a Young Man

We already know porn is not a reflection of a normal healthy sexual encounter between a man and a woman. It is destructive to young men’s mindset on sex but we keep watching thinking we can learn a thing or two from it. The same way we keep watching wrestling to learn a few fighting techniques knowing that it is not a reality. Yes, in both cases we have a somehow realistic view of how two or three people fight or fuck but we know it is not what happens in a normal street fight in the case of wrestling or a normal sexual session in the case of porn. However, it is entertaining so people do watch. Whatever you watch has an impact on your view of things even if it is small

A young man who has not piled up notches or had any moderate experience with women can watch porn thinking he is learning but all he is getting is dopamine release and a distorting view of sexuality. Porn lies a lot to young men about sexual matters. Let’s look at the way porn is not realistic. Reality kings are not real (pun intended). And just like they say in wrestling so do I say when it comes to porn “don’t try this at home”.

A woman is only Enjoying sex if she is Moaning out Loud

This is not always the case, not every woman is a screamer. Yes you should make her scream her lungs out even in a real-life sexual encounter but some ladies are slow moaners or would just sigh and move their body while having sex. Not every woman must shout like a crazy person during sex. I will not be shocked if porn actresses are instructed to moan even if they are feeling nothing. They are actresses paid to feed your fantasies with what you want to see. Whatever they do on set, take it with a grain of salt or just consider it an entertainment. It is like a stripper shaking her behind and slowly seducing you, flashing her breasts all over your face to make you part away with some dollars. It is all fantasy baby. Just enjoy it. If you want to experience that in real life, date a stripper or a pornstar and she might do those things to you. or she might even refuse because you are not a customer to her.

The Normal size of a Male dick is 8 inches and Above and Thick like a Coke Bottle

This is one of the most harmful ways porn messes up with young men who are not sexually active yet. Every male performer has at least 8 inches thick elephantine cock. Well, first of all, it is a requirement for most performers to be packing enough meat down there and if they don’t it can be enhanced to look big for the viewer. The first celebrity pornstars like Mandingos were known for their huge junk. If your pecker is 4 inches and you watch porn, which is still normal, you are bound to feel small and develop esteem issues that affect your sex life.

This is disturbing because most men nowadays are obsessed with the size of their wieners, it is almost annoying. Porn has become way too accessible to young men with the growth of sites such as Onlyfans and telegram channels that produce and leaks sex tapes all over the internet. Your size is okay brother, if you went to a boarding school and showered with other boys in an open bathroom, you saw what the average man is packing and what you have, whatever you have is enough to satisfy a woman. Women themselves and researchers have confirmed that any dick above 4 inches is okay to work with.

One thing about dick size is that when it is too big, it may hurt a woman. It is not fun having a big dick. Some of the most pathetic men in dating and in sex have those big dicks. They have realized it is not all rosy with a big dick. They still can’t pleasure women and make them feel the right things with those huge peckers. Another interesting finding on big dicks is that it is gay men who tend to have big dicks. Straight men have average dicks which are only 4.5 inches.

A big dick is a double-edged sword, it can work for you or against you. it is like driving a very big car, you don’t necessarily need a big ride to get from one point to another. Suppose you have a big one, good for you. If you are carrying something average, well just work with it. Go out there and test it yourself, have a bit of sex with it, and see how women like it and you will learn to appreciate what you have and live with it.

The more you have intimacy with real women and make them cum and come back again the more you care less about your physical appearance and the size of your junk. It doesn’t matter if what you have is working for you. Although possessing a premium-caliber schlong will be good for your woman.

A plumber, a nurse, a schoolteacher, a stepmom or dad will have sex with you

This is another messed up and I would say morally corrupting part of porn. Schoolteachers, nurses, prison warders, and any caregiver who starts sleeping with their patients or students or inmates can lose their job. Gym instructors and plumbers who sleep with their clients don’t stay in business for so long. Most clients will be embarrassed and drop you after having sex with you or even give you a bad reputation if you make a move on them so be careful before trying this.

this is better than watching porn

Porn shows you what you want to see. I am sure every man thinks of shagging their nurse or hot client but these fantasies are sometimes better not played out in real life. They better remain fantasies. If you are not careful, porn can train you to start seeking out weird sexual acts portrayed on the screen to fulfill some of the fantasies they sell. Avoid the crazy types of porn like tranny porn, group sex or bestiality, etc., or just quit watching porn. It is unproductive.

Good Sex lasts Hours

Good sex can be between 10 and 40 minutes. Sex tapes are a better representation of a normal sexual encounter which is 6 minutes or 10 at most. Anyway, if you have enough endurance and stamina, 40 minutes is the ideal time. What you watch in sex tapes are quickies that happen in cars, washrooms, or dark alleys. Any porn that lasts 1 hour was probably shot in sections.

Rough Sex is Good Sex

Okay, this is another tricky part about watching porn as a beginner with no sexual experience, you might look at that porn star spanking or choking that female actress on screen and think it is normal and okay to do that on the first encounter you have with a woman. The truth is that rough sex practices such as spanking hard, pulling hair, anal sex, choking, and all the kinks you want to try are better not done on the first encounter. You can try those kinks with a partner on the 4th or 5th counter when they are comfortable with you. they can spice up your sex life but there is nuance and tact to it. You get there with time.

Even with an act like anal sex, in porn, you see actresses receiving anal in a doggy-style position sometimes with no lubricant. Well, that is not the best position for anal sex and you will need a lot of lubricant for it from what I have studied about the act. If you want to try it out with your partner, do your research and due diligence, and don’t let porn misguide you.

Men are Hard on Command

it takes time to get in the mood!

In porn, the male performer is always hard and ready to go. Well, that can put pressure on you to always be hard when you have a female with you. A normal encounter will need proper mental and physical stimulation of both the man and the woman for them to be ready for action. Not every man is a high-testosterone horn dog waiting to ram into a female at command. You need the space and comfort for you to be ready for good intimacy so don’t put the tension on yourself. If anything, watching too much porn will desensitize your brain and make you have problems getting hard with real women as your brain comes to associate sex with women on screen.

If you don’t have enough sexual experience with women in the flesh, porn is not a good way to start your experiences. Quit watching it and go find real women you can connect with, empathize with, and have real intimacy with which you can look back on and be happy about. Porn-induced ED seems to be a thing affecting the young males out there. Porn might be a factor in your inability to get it up but there is doubt.

What to do About Porn

meet women in real life

Reduce your consumption of porn to a minimum if possible. In this social media era, most platforms are showcasing women with no clothes, Instagram is looking more like a porn site of late so it is hard to avoid coming across some type of explicit clips if you are on these platforms, don’t spend too much time on social media and avoid going to porn sites specifically to look for porn. If you spend hours watching porn in a day or a week, you might be an addict. If you watch a sex tape once in a while, you are okay. Not many men are addicted to porn or even alcohol or even a destructive habit like gambling, it is a rare thing but a good number of young men are so let’s minimize our exposure to it. It is very rare to find a 40-year-old man who is addicted to porn, it is mostly a problem with young men so it seems like something that young men outgrow. Porn is to young men is what romance novels is to young girls. A fixation and an escape from reality you ought to outgrow.

People like watching porn and sex tapes I would say, even in the wrong places like the buses and the workplace. When I had a desk job, it was normal for workmates to show each other porn clips at work, I remember a workmate once showing me a short porn clip on the lift and asking me if he can send it to me on my WhatsApp. I was not shocked at all because I had realized people out here watch sex tapes and porn too much. If you want you can make your sex tape with your partner and be watching it and improve on that.

Break a leg!


By Slade Jeff

I am a zen, I love this life plus a lot of wine..I will keep your days filled with interesting content. I am also pro-brands, I tell stories about them at a fair price, let me put in a good word for you. Contact me through japhethsylvester1@gmail.com for business.

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