That Office Flirt??

“You are punctual and your work ethics are impeccable but as you’ve noticed most of our clients are females and that might compromise your service delivery….so I am letting you go” Am I thinking out loud? naahh. Am I even tripping? nope I don’t. Did that happen? Yes that shit happened back in 2016 to… Continue reading That Office Flirt??


DO it for mom? yes, do it for mama?? What? It is an Ad being run by a Danish traveling agency calling on young couples to have children. let’s stop there for a minute. I have watched many Ads, and actually I have had a short stint in an Ad firm and so I check… Continue reading DO IT

Funny ways boys lose girls

So what do you think bro? That she refused to date you because you are not tall or muscular enough. Nairobi is such an interesting spot for practicing dating. The city hustles and bustles have a great bearing on every outcome you will have with chics. Apart from your looks and cheddar, there are small,… Continue reading Funny ways boys lose girls

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There is no small job right? guys have made it by doing stuff that doesn’t seem lucrative. Some jobs are considered for hustlers here in Africa but in some parts of the world they are well paying. When guys grow up they don’t even dream of doing some of these stuff because we don’t see… Continue reading PayDAY

Sleepover notes ‘n’ nots

Well, so you’ve been throwing naughty emojis at each other on whatsapp and you’ve decided to now organise for a fair exchange over a night. Damn, it is a good experience to get a chic coming to your place for a whole night date. However, for a successful sleepover to happen and everybody to wake… Continue reading Sleepover notes ‘n’ nots

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