Ushamba in dating is not bad

Bushy, primitive behaviors that can cost you a guy or a chic. Someone might be interested in you until you start displaying some unpolished habits. I spent my early life in the village. And the only exposure I had with the outside world was through boarding school since my parents refused to buy a television,… Continue reading Ushamba in dating is not bad

A manwhore

Is it bad sleeping around as a man? Not really, it is normal. And what’s a manwhore…girls say fuckboys. But those are boys. I am talking some grown ass men kind of shit here. We can say you are a manwhore if you’ve smashed more than 40 women. Below that is normal. Trust me 40… Continue reading A manwhore

Surviving football as a man

Men who don’t watch football like me just have to survive at such times. No other options. Have you ever been in an odd situation? Like you are stuck somewhere with something, everywhere you turn it is right there. Right on your face. And there is nothing you can do. That is where non-football fans… Continue reading Surviving football as a man

neck of the woods

What do Nairobians or rather urban people do when they make some money, especially new money. The first thing is finding mistakes with their houses; it is suddenly too small. ooh the neighborhood is noisy. If they have kids they start complaining how far the house is far from their school. They are just circling… Continue reading neck of the woods

Dubai Desert Comes Close with the rise of Adventure Business

My cousin has an adventure company and I think three contacts on my WhatsApp timeline runs these safaris businesses. I can’t help but notice how many young Nairobians have been attracted to the adventure business. For my cousin it started with him going to Congo with some friends; I thought he was just out there… Continue reading Dubai Desert Comes Close with the rise of Adventure Business

Categorized as Hustle

Hiding Text MWITU

Any passwords be it for your emails, mpesa account, paypal account, turnitin or even grammarly account should remain with you. And die with you. But most importantly your phone passwords. These chics are so subtle in their vision you won’t notice when they are looking at your keypad. And you wonder what for? why does… Continue reading Hiding Text MWITU

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